by tennyson /
Last month I decided to challenge myself to Inktober, a yearly event spanning over the month of October with the goal of producing a drawing a day according to a prompt list posted by illustrator Jake Parker. Jake started Inktober in 2009 to improve his inking skills, and it has since been adopted by thousands of artists worldwide who share their daily paintings on Instagram.
I only managed to complete 26 out of the 31 drawings required but as a first-timer I am pretty happy with the outcome! I used inks that I was comfortable using, but some of the subjects and ideas were a little out of my comfort-zone but found them to be the most thrilling to create.
Inktober was a great chance to see so many other artworks by different artists, bond a little over the challenge and observe how to interpreted each prompt. As well as Inktober's official prompt list, I especially liked following drawings inspired by prompts by other artists including Furry Little Peach's #FLPinktober (@furrylittlepeach), Nadia Ruausa's #orientober (@nadiarausa) and Faces and Dolls' #greekgoddessfeast (@facesanddolls).
Here are some of my favourites posted on my personal art account @e.r.t_a.r.t and make sure you check other artist's creations by searching the hashtags #inktober and #inktober2018.
Look forward to completing the challenge next year!
day 1 / tranquil
day 4 / spell
day 6 / drool
day 8 / stars
day 17 / swollen
day 21 / drain (also inspired by #greekgoddessfeast Persephone)
day 29 / stretch
day 28 / gift
#JakeParker #InktoberPromptList #Illustrator #Artist #TennysonWood #ElleTennyson #FashionIllustration